There is a story behind the Krakow Dragon that is standing behind the Wawel Castle in Krakow, Poland. But before that I found out that the dragon actually has flames that comes out of its mouth. You can help the dragon spit the flames out by sending a text message.
The below message is actually posted on the base that the dragon sits on:
"If you send the word"SMOK" as a text message to the number 7186, then I will warm up your day by breathing fire-just for you. The cost of your SMS is 1 Zloty + VAT. For further information about my service, see""Tradition connects the beginnings of Krakow with one Prince Krak who rid his people of a dragon devouring both their stock and their virgins. And the large 200-foot-long cavern in the western rocky slope of the Wawel Hill above the Vistula river bank known for centuries as the monster’s den still attracts swarms of visitors. Actually, the Dragon’s Cave (Polish ‘Smocza Jama’) is the area’s oldest residence, inhabited by man from the Stone Age through the 16th century. Visitors can enter it via a turret of the west fortifications atop the Wawel Hill."Found at Smocza

More phots of the dragon can be found at
My Flickr PhotosLabels: Dragon, Krakow, Poland, Wawel