Working for a big corporation you are usually restricted on what programs you can install on your computer. There are times when you need a program, but it is not on the corporate list of approved programs. I have read about this before, but never thought about it until it was requested that I remove a personal copy of a program. There is a push to make more programs portable. By portable, you can have the program/application on a USB Memory Stick since there are now some out there that have 8 gigabytes.
I found the
Portable Apps the other day at
Download Squad. The posting there mentioned Portable Web Browsers. Go
HERE for a direct link to the posting.
Now all I need is portable
Photoshop. You are probably asking, "Why do you need Photoshop at work?" Good question. I have actually used
Photoshop to edit screen shots to get programmers to understand what needed to be done in the system and what it should look like.