In my attempt to come up with transportation alternative to save on fuel. I called MATA transit to see what it would cost me and what routes I would have to take to get to work from my crib.
Unfortunately, there are no options for me to leave from Neshoba. I would have to walk about a mile to get to the Bus Stop.
The Bus Stop would be at Kirby and Poplar and I would jump on the "50" at 6:24 am and ride it to the downtown terminal to arrive there at 7:17 am. Already making me 17 minutes late for work. I would then jump on the number "10 Lamar/Scottsdale" at 7:38 am to Mendenhall and Raines to arrive at 9:00 am, making me 2.5 hours late for work. Going to work would cost me $1.30 every day to total $6.5 each week. This normally takes me 15 minutes to drive.
The return is not as bad I would leave work at 4:20pm on the "10" to the American Way/Getwell Terminal to arrive there are 4:58 pm. I would then jump on the "69" at 5:25 pm to arrive at Kirby/Poplar Stop at 5:55 pm and then walk 1 mile to get home. This would take me almost 2 hours to get home from work at a cost of $1.30 everyday to total $6.5 each week.
So all in all I would have to ride the bus 22.5 hours a week at a cost of $12.5 a week. I use about $40 a week on gas, which included weekends. Hmm. Not worth the time to be sitting on a bus, but seems to be a decent price.
Maybe I will give it a shot one day and tell my story after that. Of course, I would have to get permission to come in late to work.